
Fall 2017

PA 388K/WGS 393/SS 301: Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights

This is a course for Master’s and PhD students in the LBJ school and across departments, including sociology, nursing, women’s and gender studies, social work, and education, as well as upper-division Plan II (liberal arts honors) undergraduates at the University of Texas at Austin. Classes are divided into three parts, including a mini-lecture, discussion, and policy-oriented activities. Students learn to apply scientific principles and reproductive rights frameworks to such policy issues as unintended pregnancy, contraceptive access, abortion in both the US and global contexts, and assisted reproduction.

Fall 2014

WWS 593B/POP 504B: Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights

I co-taught this advanced-level course for Master’s and doctoral students at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs with Professor James Trussell, who founded the course 15 years ago. We ran classes as small group discussion-based seminars.